From this page you are able to download Mio/Navman Service Pack for your device.
This update is to update your Mio/Navman device software and is free of charge. You may need this update when:
- you want to update your Mio/Navman device software to the latest version.
- your Mio/Navman device seems not to operate correctly and you want to ensure that all appropriate and required files are installed.
Follow the procedure to install the Service Pack:
- Turn on your Mio/Navman.
- Connect your Mio/Navman to your computer via the USB cable.
Mio PND user: Click here to download Software Service Pack for your Mio
- When prompted, click Save to save the Service Pack to your computer.
- After you have downloaded the Service Pack, run the file you downloaded by double-clicking on it.
- Shut down and then restart your Mio/Navman. The update is now completed.